Writing is the perfect job and my favorite hobby! I have some fun hobbies—I love to quilt and crochet and read and play the piano. Lately, though, each time I sit down to relax, I’d much rather write than do anything else. I make sure not to “work” during these times, but just have fun writing on projects that let me be truly creative without worrying about deadlines or editorial feedback.
Right now, my husband Jeff is relaxing in his chair, wrapped up warm and cozy in his favorite afghan. He’s reading his One Year Bible and is also looking up words in his college Webster’s dictionary. (He likes the old King James Version so often looks up outdated words that he finds each day.) Lucy, our dog, and Humphrey, our cat, are sound asleep on the couch on each of their afghans that I crocheted for them. (I had to make each of them their own so they wouldn’t fight over just one.) I’m sitting here in my chair with my laptop typing away. It’s great at times like this to have a laptop because it gives me the mobility to join the family while we’re relaxing or reading and not be stuck by myself in the office at my desktop. Jeff and I can chat, listen to our favorite Christmas music, and enjoy each other’s company together even while we’re relaxing.
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