Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
The Top Ten
The results are in! Once again, Sherri, thanks for lots of these fun suggestions! For last week’s Top Ten, here’s the list that was chosen from the suggestions that came in:
The Top Ten presents on your writer’s wish list for Christmas.
1. A multi-book contract for a new series with a top publishing house and amazing advance.
2. Wall to wall, ceiling to floor, built-in bookshelves (earthquake safe). In other words, my own library!
3. A best-loved children's book in every child's stocking all around the world.
4. A gift certificate to the Mount Hermon Writer's Conference in '08. Oh, pleeeeeeease!!!
5. MFC all-in-one printer/fax/copier and free laser cartridges for an entire year.
6. A fan letter from a child saying why he LOVED my book!
7. A cleaning lady once a week, FOREVER. If you're a writer, you'll know why this is on my wish list!
8. Gift cards to Barnes anad Noble.
9. Gift cards to local office supply store.
10. Lots of 3-ring notebooks with clear plastic cover on front for cover sheet. Tons of dividers would be nice, too. (o:
Do you want to have some fun? Whenever I post a topic for The Top Ten, send me your suggestion(s) by posting a comment! Your comment will automatically land in my e-mail box and won't actually appear on the blog itself. The way it works is people each send me one or two suggestions for each Top Ten topic. Then I choose the ten most fun suggestions and post the results within a week. (You can submit as many suggestions as you want.) If you want me to list your name as the contributor (if your suggestion is chosen), please include your first name and/or city along with your suggestion(s). Also, if you have an idea for a Top Ten topic, please send it my way.
This week’s topic is:
The Top Ten goals you want to make for 2008.
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