Monday, February 25, 2008

Virtual Book Tour: Day 25

Welcome back to my Virtual Book Tour! It’s been a great adventure together as we’ve celebrated the release of my newest picture book, D IS FOR DRINKING GOURD: AN AFRICAN AMERICAN ALPHABET in conjunction with Black History Month.

Today on our last official “stop” on the Virtual Book Tour, we’ll be visiting In Our Write Minds. This is the blog of the publishers of a wonderful writing program for teens called WRITESHOP. For the past few years, it’s been a delight to work with Kim Kautzer and Debbie Oldar as the author of their new soon-to-be-released writing program for early elementary students, WRITESHOP PRIMARY. Click on the link to learn more about this program, as well as how parents and teachers can use books such as D is for Drinking Gourd to help teach primary students to write.

Coming tomorrow:
Join me tomorrow on the last day of my tour as I announce the winners of the 5 prizes I’m giving away to online guests who posted comments during the tour and/or submitted answers to the Trivia Questions.


Carol M. said...

I can't believe the month is almost over. Thank you for this inspirational journey. I send you thoughts of joy, love and tons of book sales! Peace and blessings, Carol

Nancy I. Sanders said...

Thanks a bunch, Carol! I'm glad you were able to join in on the tour. And blessings to you, too!